SML Gives: Unite for a Day of Charitable Giving (2024)
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The annual SML Gives campaign on March 13 was a resounding success with $218,451 raised for 37 local nonprofits from Bedford and Franklin counties!
A heartfelt thank you to our wonderful community and the many generous donors who participated in SML GIVES 2024. Your generosity will have a lasting impact!

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Get ready to open your hearts (and your wallets!) for SML Gives, a dynamic fundraising event to benefit nonprofits throughout the Smith Mountain Lake region.
Set for March 13, 2024, SML Gives offers organizations in Bedford and Franklin counties a platform to raise funds, increase visibility and foster community connections.
It’s also a chance for SML residents and visitors to unite, pooling resources to create a significant impact for the participating nonprofits. This year, 38 local nonprofits will attempt to raise a monumental $200,000 in just 24 hours.

The History and Mission of SML Gives
SML Gives was launched in 2022 by SML Good Neighbors, an organization that provides free academic, enrichment and nutritional programs to local elementary kids, when a previous regional giving day was discontinued.
The revamped event helps residents in SML’s surrounding counties who grapple with challenges such as poverty, limited access to healthcare, restricted educational opportunities and neglected or abandoned animals.

Under such circumstances, nonprofits are integral in providing essential services to the community. SML Gives has become a vital part of the giving culture in this region, bringing the community together to make an impact.

The Giving Process: Online or In-Person
SML Gives 2024 will start at midnight on March 13 and run through 11:59 p.m. EST. Early giving opportunities are available March 11-12.
Participation is open to verified 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) charitable nonprofits headquartered or providing services in Bedford County or Franklin County. Prospective organizations had to apply and meet various requirements to participate.

Donations can be made securely online through the SML Gives website hosted by MightyCause. The platform provides an “add to cart” feature that allows donors to contribute to multiple organizations at once.
Donors may also contribute via check or cash to individual charities. However, they must specify that the donation is for SML Gives for it to count toward the total funds raised during the event.

Are you interested in becoming an SML Gives business sponsor? E-mail SML Good Neighbors Executive Director Lisa Lietz.
An in-person donor hospitality and nonprofit fair is planned for March 13 from 4-7 p.m. at the SML YMCA (get directions). Attendees can gather more information on participating nonprofits, interact with representatives and make in-person donations.
All donations made through SML Gives 2024 are tax-deductible and non-refundable.

The Growing Legacy of SML Gives

In 2022, 13 nonprofits participated, raising over $86,000. This figure increased to more than $138,000 in 2023, with 21 nonprofits joining the campaign.
Smith Mountain Lake Insiders is proud to support SML Gives and the participating nonprofits that form the bedrock of our community.
It is our hope that you’ll join us in making this another milestone event as we work together to foster a brighter and more prosperous future for the Smith Mountain Lake region.

Sign up for our email newsletter and we’ll send you a reminder on March 13 about SML Gives!

Nonprofits Participating in SML Gives

Find more information on each of the organizations by visiting the nonprofit page of the SML Gives website.
- Affordable Condo Association Inc
- Bedford Area Educational Foundation
- Bedford Christian Ministries Association
- Bedford Get Together Inc
- Bedford Ride (Central Virginia Area Agency on Aging)
- Boys & Girls Club of Southwest Virginia
- Child Health Investment Partnership
- Children’s Assistive Technology Service
- Food for Kids
- Fostering Champions Inc
- Franklin County Humane Society Inc
- Free Clinic of Franklin County Inc
- Friends of Booker T Washington National Monument
- Friends of the Moneta-Smith Mountain Lake Library Inc.
- Habitat for Humanity of Franklin County
- Henry Fork Service Center
- Johnson Health Center
- Lake Christian Ministries Inc
- Meals on Wheels
- New Life Center for Thoroughbreds Inc
- ONE Forest School Inc
- Patrick Henry Family Services
- Reel Connections for Kids
- Ronald McDonald House Charities of SW VA
- Smith Mountain Lake Association
- Smith Mountain Arts Council
- Smith Mountain Lake Pavilion
- Smith Mountain Lake Youth Athletics
- SML Good Neighbors, Inc.
- SML YMCA (Franklin County YMCA)
- Southern VA Child Advocacy Center (Childrens Advocacy Programs of the Blue Ridge Inc)
- Southwest Virginia Wildlife Center
- Stepping Stone Mission of Franklin County
- Stewartsville First Aid & Rescue Crew Inc
- The Agape Center Moneta
- The Sedalia Center Inc
- Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers (Moneta PTA)
- Young Life Franklin County

Andie Gibson
Andie has been covering Smith Mountain Lake since 2000 for a variety of publications, including Smith Mountain Laker Magazine, The Roanoker, SML Visitor and Newcomer Guide, SML HOME Magazine and Life Outside. As a partner in G&C Ventures, LLC, she oversees all content for our suite of websites, including and