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Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, offers spiritual sustenance and guidance along its 500 miles of shoreline and beyond.
These churches with websites, listed alphabetically, are located within 5 miles of the Smith Mountain Lake waterfront. The brief descriptions below, mostly drawn from their homepages or “about” pages, include each church’s motto or an extract from its mission statement. Please contact them for additional details.
Bethlehem United Methodist Church: Since 1804, “Outward Bound, Together With Christ.” 13586 Old Moneta Road, Moneta, Virginia. Bedford County. 540-297-7957.
Covenant Fellowship of Moneta: “Committed to Reformed theology, expository preaching, and worship that combines traditional hymns with theologically rich contemporary songs.” 1100 Celebration Ave., Suites 112 and 114, Moneta, Virginia. Bedford County. 540-420-3120.
Epworth United Methodist Church: “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.” 60 Merriman Way Road, Moneta, Virginia. Franklin County. 540-721-4926.
EastLake Community Church: “Birthed out of a church planting vision and committed to planting churches.” 1201 Timberwood Lane, Moneta, Virginia. Bedford County. 540-297-0966.
Halesford Baptist Church: “Growing, Sharing, Serving, Together.” 2485 Lost Mountain Road, Wirtz, Virginia. Franklin County. 540-721-8640.
Morgans Baptist Church: Part of the Southern Baptist Convention, “serving the Lord Jesus Christ since 1771.” 2086 Morgans Church Road, Bedford, Virginia. Bedford County. 540-297-4959.
Mt. Ivy Christian Church: Independent Christian Church. “Helping people find the Way to God… and grow closer to Him!” 5120 Scruggs Road, Moneta, Virginia. Franklin County. 540-721-5060.
Palestine Baptist Church: “Family friendly atmosphere where people are excited to see you each week. Together impacting the surrounding community for Christ.” 9244 Smith Mountain Lake Parkway, Huddleston, Virginia. Bedford County. 540-297-4442.
Patmos United Methodist Church: “People who love God serving people whom God loves!” 1405 Patmos Church Road, Huddleston, Virginia. Bedford County. 540-297-3590.
Radford Baptist Church: “We are a family of believers in Jesus who value Worship, Nurture and Mission.” 1293 Radford Church Road, Moneta, Virginia. Bedford County. 540-297-5214.
Resurrection Catholic Church: “We seek to be instruments through which He can express Himself to the world – particularly to the community surrounding Smith Mountain Lake.” 15353 Moneta Road, Moneta, Virginia. Bedford County. 540-297-5530.
Smith Mountain Lake Community Church. Church of the Brethren. “We are called as Christians to continue the work of Jesus: peacefully, simply, together.” 6675 Burnt Chimney Rd, Wirtz, Virginia. Franklin County. 540-721-1816.
Smith Mountain Lake SDA Church. Seventh-day Adventist. “We seek to enhance quality of life for people everywhere and to let people know that Jesus is coming again soon.” 10802 Moneta Road, Moneta, Virginia. Bedford County. 540-296-2225.
Staunton Baptist Church: “Believers who strive to share Jesus Christ in our community.” 15267 Smith Mountain Lake Parkway, Huddleston, Virginia. Bedford County. 540-297-6753.
The Floating Chapel. Smith Mountain Lake Boat Church at Arrowhead Campground, Bill Bowling Memorial Chapel, Sandy Level Baptist Church. “The BIBLE is the WORD OF GOD. God breathed Authoritative, in the very Words and every word is without error.” 3/4 mile South Southeast of Buoy B-4 on Blackwater Creek, Franklin County.
Trinity Ecumenical Parish: Episcopal, Lutheran, and Presbyterian congregations, worshiping together. “We are loving, serving, learning, and growing together as we fulfill our common calling to care for our neighbors, our community and the world in the name of Jesus Christ.” 40 Lakemount Drive, Moneta, Virginia. Franklin County. 540-721-4330.
Westlake Baptist Church: “Reaching Franklin County, one family at a time.” 2075 Scruggs Road, Moneta, Virginia. Franklin County. 540-721-8784.

Worship leaders: If your church listing needs revising or if you’d like to add your church, please contact us.

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